The Blue Record Podcast

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The Wiz: Finding Community in Zoom University

Ananda Griffin

This week’s episode of The Blue Record Podcast discusses how The Wiz can be understood as a guide for how Spelmanites can allow themselves to be confused, afraid, and open as we figure things out in the time of COVID-19. Dorothy experiences all of those feelings and becomes a better and happier version of herself with her friends’ help. When we discuss our final thoughts in the episode, I talk about Dorothy’s idea of “home” by the end of the film. She ends the movie in the same physical place she started it, so what is different about the “home” that she so desperately longs for throughout her adventure? Well, Dorothy is different as a result of the community she found when she was in Oz. This reminds me of Spelmanites in the time of the Coronavirus. How can we find and maintain our community to help us get through the strange and unusual terrain of Zoom University? Here are two of the most significant ways I’ve answered this question.

I like to start with the simple stuff: texting and calling loved ones. It’s very basic, but I think we all need this reminder, especially since we’re so overwhelmed. When you think about someone, call them. If something random reminds you of a friend, send them a text. Hit up an old group-chat. There are many easy ways to keep up with your community. Once a week, my friends and I get on Zoom or Google Meet to talk and watch movies together, and it’s been the highlight of my time! Talking to my friends has been one of the key ways I have been able to commune with others outside of school, and instrumental in maintaining my mental health. I know it can be easy to get used to isolation, but it’s not always the best for us. It is within our nature to be social, so please seek ways to communicate with other people! 

I have also been able to find community by uniting around social issues. The Rona has stopped a lot, but it has not stopped any of the -isms or -phobias, which is very, very evident throughout all aspects of our lives. All of the uprisings taking place right now have been difficult to watch, and I’ve seen many of us come together against oppression. I recently joined the New Age Leaders, an organization committed to uplifting Black people and taking actionable steps toward liberation. I’ve also been extra involved in the Spelman Social Justice program, which keeps me busy (in a good way) and sociable. I’ve seen a lot of us have been attending protests and getting into political organizing. This is a fantastic way to both be active and meet people.

I can think of so many other ways to find and maintain community, from creating study groups to starting a book club (which I have done, and it’s pretty rewarding). I wish I could fit them all into this post because I cannot stress the importance of virtually being with your people at the moment. This may not be Oz, and there’s no yellow brick road, but life is scary and strange right now. We need people to help us get through it! As smart as Dorothy was, she could not have gone through it by herself. None of the film characters could have discovered themselves by experiencing the strange land of Oz alone. We have to work together to pour into each other’s lives, recognize our gifts, and become the people we will be by the end of all of this.


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