An Ode to 2021
Jacobi Reddix
As I sit at my parent’s house in a small town in Texas, I reflect a lot on what has happened in the past months. I think about the relationships that I had rekindled during my time at school, the relationships I had lost, and the reasons why I love Spelman College.
But first, let’s take a detour.
I’m here today reminding you to be kind to yourself in the new year (and please excuse me while I go into helicopter parent mode). Sleep is not a reward, it is a necessity. Neither is eating. Stretch your legs, go outside, and be active. Be sure to treat yourself whether it be an activity, something that’s been sitting in your online cart for a while, or something yummy to eat. You’re allowed to laugh with your friends. You’re allowed to go have a night of fun. You only go to college for the first time once, so make every second count. You deserve happiness.
Now let’s say it together: 2021 was hard. It’s ok to admit it. We can all release the collective sigh together and wash our hands from the mess we’ve been through. A new year means a new chance to build ourselves back and better than ever. With the new year comes new chances.
Now let’s say it together again: Spelman is hard. It could be academics, burnout, social life, or simply acclimating to the hustle and bustle of Atlanta life. But you did it. Another semester under your belt. That alone, is something to be proud of. Anyone who tells you it was a simple feat has not been in your shoes clearly.
But as many times as I flop into bed for my afternoon naps, I think about the joy Spelman has brought me. I had not had my first Black teacher since I attended, nor had I had a group of Black friends. With these, came confidence. I am a Spelman woman. I can handle anything the future decides to throw at me.
Discomfort, stress, disappointment, loss and pain are all part of the human journey. If we are not able to enter into a space of kindness and love with ourselves, we’re putting ourselves at odds with the reality of life. Another marker of humanity is imperfection: To be human is to be imperfect and to make mistakes. You made it this far, now give it all you’ve got. We all get knocked down every once in a while, but what really matters is if you chose to get back up.
Yes, Spelman and 2021 have and will continue to give me headaches probably until I walk under the arch as an alumna. But at the same time, I laugh when I think about how many have been in my place. How many underclassmen will be in my place, whether its pre-heart attack in the financial aid office or late nights in the dorm lounges. And while we all don’t know each other personally, that is what ties us together. Our choice to change the world, one headache at a time.
With love and open arms,
~ JR
Jacobi Reddix
Editorial Staff, The Blue Record